Springtime is asparagus season

Springtime is asparagus season

Springtime is asparagus season

Seasonal and culinary: spring with Tiroler Speck PGI Ham and asparagus
Be it green or white, asparagus is best enjoyed when its in season. Seasonality has a great influence on the quality of a large number of fruits and vegetables. In the case of asparagus, seasonal consumption has an intense effect on flavour.
It’s the ingredients trusted and reliable origins, as well as their traditional and authentic handling that give asparagus and Tiroler Speck PGI Ham what they need to make them excellent delicacies.
The first asparagus is generally picked at the end of April. The season lasts until 24 June. The asparagus can be grown longer, however this would mean that the next year’s crop turns out lower. It is for this reason that the harvesting days are kept to so precisely.

About Green and White Asparagus
The asparagus grow green or white depending on whether the stalks are covered against the sun as they grow.
White asparagus grows underground and is picked by hand as soon as the tips are visible. It has a finer flavour, and tastes more subtle and refined. When freshly cooked, they melt on the tongue
Green asparagus, by contrast, grows above ground. Its colour and nutty flavour, which go well with Mediterranean cuisine, depend on the sun’s rays.
Orchids and irises are part of the same family as asparagus-type plants

Asparagus and Tiroler Speck PGI Ham: how they came together
The combination of the two dishes comes from the time when dry-cured ham was only produced on private farms for private consumption. They matured over the winter, meaning that the ham was ready in Spring, just as the asparagus season would begin.
HamAsparagus and Tiroler Speck PGI Ham – harmonising contrasts
But the two foods also complement each other perfectly. Thanks to the mildly-spicy flavour of Tiroler Speck PGI Ham, the notes of asparagus fit perfectly.
Both harmonise and suit each other excellently. Mild and yet lively, Tiroler Speck PGI Ham is a perfect choice for both strong green asparagus and the finer white asparagus.

The combination of fried asparagus and Tiroler Speck PGI Ham bring about excellent flavours. A little salt and pepper are all you need to round it off.