Our AMA supplier Steirerfleisch
Our AMA supplier Steirerfleisch
Our AMA supplier Steirerfleisch
Trust is more than a word
Guarantee of origin is of utmost importance to Steirerfleisch as well as HANDL TYROL. Through external certification programms (AMA-quality-seal, SUS) it can be guaranteed that the pigs' birth, mast as well as the butchering happen 100% in Austria. This is also ensured by ongoing external and internal audits.
Moreover Steirerfleisch has recently been certified for its responsible conduct according to the ETI basic codex (Ethical Trade Initiative) based on the international standards and conventions of the ILO (Internatiol Labout Organisation of the UN). Besides their commendable conduct in terms of sustainability and ecology, also areas like work safety and hygiene were highlighted as exemplary and recommendable.

Steirerfleisch Gesellschaft m.b.H.
A-8421 Wolfsberg im Schwarzautal 1
Tel.: +43 (0)3184 2922-0
E-mail: office@steirerfleisch.at